Welcome to

Embodied Vibrant Living School!

No matter where you are on your healing journey, I am so glad you're here. I believe in your capability to succeed and work toward your wildest dreams. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey!


Your Teacher & Guide

Meet your teacher and guide Bunny (they/them)! Bunny is a queer trauma-informed holistic wellness practitioner who uses spiritual and somatic tools to help survivors find empowerment through embodiment. Their background is in massage therapy, health education, and energy work. They provide an integrative approach to healing through synergizing scientific and metaphysical knowledge. They currently rest on Chumash lands in East Los Angeles. They love guiding humans toward their most significant breakthroughs so that they can live a vibrant life of success on their terms. They believe living a fun fulfilling life is a human right. Their mission is to bring joyful embodiment back for all.

Feel Centered with Embodied Vibrant Living School on Teachable

Connect to Your Inner Compass

Everything you need to live a vibrant life is already inside of you. Using trauma-informed mindfulness techniques, I will guide you towards present awareness, & acceptance.

Refocus On What Is Important In Life With Embodied Coaching Services and Courses

Find Clarity of Vision

Make empowered choices for your highest good. Embody your unique authenticity, passion, and creativity and build the future you want.

Reframe and Expand Your Mindset with Embodied Vibrant Living Coaching and Courses

Weave New Possibilities

Together we will work to quiet the inner critic, set healthy boundaries (for yourself and others), reframe thought patterns, and break old outdated subconscious programming.

Kelli - Artist

“It has taken me a bit to find words for so many powerful emotions and downloads I have been receiving since working with Bunny.

I want to first thank you again for holding that space for me. Your gentleness and intuition invited me to so many beautiful corners to explore.

So much of what I have felt since we worked together cannot be put into words. First, I felt a massive yet quiet shift within myself. I am now engaging with the present and my inner child as I have never before. An overall experience of gentleness and self-love has opened that I felt was so impossibly blocked. Now I know that isn't the case - that nothing is impossible, and I already am whole and worthy.

THANK YOU x a million for all your love, care, and being a part of my journey. I am so grateful and invigorated. I'm really looking forward to working again further.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Testimonial from Kelli for Embodied Vibrant Living Coaching Work