In This 8-Week Soul Searching Course You Will:

Find Clarity
Find Focus
& Find Direction

From your most authentic self.

This will create an unshakeable inner foundation. One to build upon for years to come.

Each week has several offerings. There are:

Rituals: to balance and clear energy, and embody the material

Prompts: to unravel and rewrite patterns. Please freely write, paint, draw, dance, or think in response

Activations: if you're ready to move into action and start making bigger changes and shifts

Habit Seeds: to create sustainable daily practices that last far beyond the course

What We Need From You:

  • Commitment 15-30 minutes for each practice every week
  • 15 minutes a week for reflections on the previous week
  • The understanding is that this online course empowers you to do the work for yourself. You have all the answers you need within yourself. What you put in, you get out.
  • The understanding this is deep healing work. As we untangle trauma and stress from our bodies, there can be contractions and expansions. You may feel very energized or need a lot of rest throughout the course. Please be gentle. Go at your own pace.
  • An open mind & willingness to learn!

WARNING: Side Effects May Include Getting Super Clear On What Is Or Is Not For You. Finding New Boundaries, You Need To Set. Needing To Quit Something Or Start Something New And Naturally Wanting Better For Yourself.

Best Practices

  1. Please start with Week 1 and really dig into the safe space and resourcing work. This is the baseline foundation that will help all the rest of the work be easier and more accessible.
  2. This work is FOR YOU. Please drop any shoulda, coulda, wouldas before starting. Keep it private and a special thing just for you til the end.
  3. Please speak freely with all feedback, critique, and praise. I am all ears and always available for anything you wish to communicate. [email protected]

Additional Notes:

Please take everything with a grain of salt and as an invitation - this means to take what works for you and leave the rest.


Pick a day each week to read through the text and look over the exercises offered. Choose different days through the week to do each exercise, or do them all on the same day. It’s entirely up to you!


The most critical factor is to invite this process to be PLAYFUL. It’s all an experiment! Don’t be afraid to try something new. 


Allow yourself to sit with what comes up for you, and allow this all be a learning and growing experience.


Each week is based on the energy centers in our body. May you find yourself with a clearer sense of direction, inner-knowing, and passion for life after these 8-weeks. & so it is. :) 


Come back to this course as often as you want or need. The more you practice the different offerings, the deeper the work becomes. Other times of your life will give you different answers as you move through these exercises.

Sneak Peak

  Week 1: Creating Sacred Space (Start Here)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: Tending the Roots
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: Cultivating Creative Fire
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Shining the Inner Sun
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5: Opening the Heart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7: The Inner Compass
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 8: Expansion & Connection
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Your Teacher & Guide

Meet your teacher and guide Bunny (they/them)! Bunny is a trauma-informed holistic coach & wellness practitioner who uses spiritual and somatic tools to help survivors find empowerment through embodiment. They support high-achieving creatives who struggle with people-pleasing and perfectionism to stop self-sabotaging and start getting passionate and playful. Their background is in massage therapy, health education, and energy work. They provide an integrative approach to healing through synergizing scientific and metaphysical knowledge. They currently rest on Chumash lands in East Los Angeles. They love guiding humans toward their most significant breakthroughs so that they can live a vibrant life of success on their terms. They believe living a fun fulfilling life is a human right. Their mission is to bring joyful embodiment back for all.