Ritual: Making Space


To get you started, I would love to invite you to find space in your home that can be your “sacred workspace.” Somewhere quiet where you can sit and journal, light a candle or some incense, meditate and go inward. I love decorating these spaces with items that make me feel good and supported (crystals, tarot cards, incense, your favorite pillow or blanket...). Whatever that means for you is excellent. 


It’s YOUR space. This is our place of returning home to ourselves and taking back our power.


Once you have this space set up, feel free to revisit the following prompts when you are ready. I find that practicing the grounding meditation shared below is excellent for starting this work from a settled place.

Trauma-Informed 5-Sense Grounding Meditation

Remind yourself where you are. Note where the doors and windows are nearby. Focus on something calming to you visually. Close your eyes or keep a soft gaze on the object. Allow all thoughts, feeling, and sensations to come and go with loving awareness. Tune into sounds nearby. Feel into your breath entering and leaving the nose. Drop your jaw and shoulders. Release your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Tap into your body and the feelings and sensations of support of whatever you are sitting or laying on. Notice the boundary of your skin. Observe your breath. Take 3 slow, soothing breaths. Slowly blink open your eyes and focus again on the first object. Return to the present when ready.

Want to go further for some preparation?

What are some spaces around you that you can tidy up and let go of some things? Give gratitude as you let go. Make space for your intentions, dreams, and new ways of being.

Konmari Method 

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